How To Stake ADA Coins To The Node Networks Pool [NODE] — Daedalus Wallet Guide

Step 1: Download and Open your Daedalus Wallet. For the latest wallet download check out

  • Note if you are holding ADA assets on the Byron Legacy Wallet, please create and move ADA coins to a Shelley Wallet.

Step 2: Once your Shelley Wallet is open, navigate to the Delegation Tab.

Step 3: In the Delegation Tab, click on Stake Pools.

Step 4: Select the Search Stake Pools bar and search for ticker symbol NODE.

Step 5: Click on NODE tile and select Delegate to this pool.

Step 6: Select Continue.

Step 7: Select your Wallet you want to delegate with and click Continue.

Step 8: Ensure NODE is selected, click Continue.

Step 9: Finally, enter your spending password and confirm your delegation.

Congratulations you have now staked with the Node Networks ADA Pool [NODE]!

Contact the Node Networks Team if you have any further questions!

Node Networks ADA Pool:

Last updated