How do I receive earned coins?
Node Networks stakers are given two options to receive rewards. In both cases, the payment will be a time-lock from 30 days from the date of payment to forever. This is because Node Networks will continually stake rewards to maximize returns during the staking period!
1. Default: Do nothing.
Your rewards will continue to compound until they are sent to you. I payment will be issued 7 days after your staking expiry if an extension has not been completed.
Important: *Rewards sent will only be distributed to the original time-lock address of the staker. Please notify an admin for any assistance!
2. Notify* a Node Networks admin: receive ongoing monthly staking rewards.
Rewards will be sent you on the first of every month and you may do as you please with rewards.
3. Request a payment from an admin.
Subject to withdrawal times, an admin can process a payment upon request.
Important: *Rewards sent will only be distributed to the original time-lock address of the staker. Please notify an admin for any assistance!
Last updated